The History of Inniswood Metro Gardens
Gardens Founded
May 30, 1972
The garden site was first established as the 37-acre (150,000 m2) estate of sisters Grace and Mary Innis. They gave their home and land to Metro Parks in 1972.
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Inniswood Volunteers, Inc. (IVI) started from members of various garden clubs/ plant societies following organizational meetings held in November 1982.
January 1, 1983
Rose Garden Terrace scheduled for completion Memorial Day 1985, JC Penny donated money to add to the Inniswood Volunteer, Inc. fund for the Rock Garden.
May 27, 1985
Central Ohio Unit, Herb Society of America raised money toward a $100,000 endowment for the Herb Garden at Inniswood. Total cost was estimated at $200,000.
January 1, 1986
Herb Garden Phase I fund drive completed, Audubon Society spearheaded the drive to fund the sculpture in Memorial Gardens.
January 1, 1987
Donation of the sculpture by Audubon Society, donation of trellis for Rose Garden by Cardinal Industries, Herb Garden dedication, Memorial Garden and Rock Garden projects being developed.
January 1, 1988
Inniswood Garden Society received Museum Services grant for $4000 to verify the peony collection.
January 1, 1989
Citizens to Save Our Park Campaign lead by Stewart Flaherty to defeat Schrock Road extension.
October 25, 1994
First Affair of the Hort held with keynote speaker Roger Swain, attendance was over 10,000, highway signs at Route 3 exit off I- 270 installed.
January 1, 1996
Railroad Garden installed. Anonymous donor donated Pondering Gardener sculpture.
January 1, 1998
Groundbreaking for Sisters’ Garden on June 16, phase 1 completed in September.
June 16, 2000
Public celebration of Inniswood’s 20th anniversary with Innis family members in attendance.
January 1, 2004
Preparation for an eventful 2007 (Perennial Plant Association annual symposium with 700+ members visit Gardens, Special Parks District Forum lunch and tour held at Inniswood, David Rogers’ Big Bugs exhibit)
January 1, 2006