2024 Garden Theme “Elements of Nature” Planting List: Hempstead Entrance Beds

/2024 Garden Theme “Elements of Nature” Planting List: Hempstead Entrance Beds
2024 Garden Theme “Elements of Nature” Planting List: Hempstead Entrance Beds 2024-06-07T09:51:21+00:00

Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus)

Salvia ‘Black and Blue’

Lantana ‘Trailing Purple’

Mercardonia ‘Little Sunshine’


Dahlia ‘Mystic Sparkler’


Tradescantia ‘Zebra Purple’

Canna ‘Aphrodite’

Century Plant (Agave americana)

White Bird of Paradise

Pennisetum ‘Fireworks’

Calibrachoa ‘Calico’