Tree Walk
Innswood is home to many species of trees. Take a walk with us and explore interesting facts about these majestic specimens. You will find as you explore the grounds we have placed QR codes by each of the trees in this list. Simply use your phone camera and it will take you to resources to learn more about that tree.
American Beech
American Hornbeam
Amur Cork Tree
Black Cherry
Black Walnut
Blackhaw Viburnum
Chinese Elm
Chinese Fringetree
Cutleaf English Oak
Dragon’s-eye Pine
Eastern Cottonwood
Eastern Hemlock
Eastern Redbud
English Yew
Fernleaf Beech
Flame Amur Maple
Flowering Dogwood
Fullmoon Maple
Himalayan pine
Japanese Umbrella Pine
Kentucky coffeetree
Korean pine
Kousa Dogwood
Loebner Magnolia
Montgomery Blue Spruce
Nordmann Fir
Norway spruce
Ohio buckeye
October Glory Red Maple
Panicled Goldenrain Tree
Paw Paw
Pin Oak
Purple Beech
Scots Pine
Shagbark Hickory
Shellbark Hickory
Shingle Oak
Southern Magolia
Sugar Maple
Swamp White Oak
Tricolor European Beech
Twisted Eastern White Pine